"How to Write an About Me" Download
You're going to be taught by Sean Buvala, who's been teaching and training in the arts of storytelling and communication for 30+ years. Called a "master storyteller" by his audiences and clients, you'll benefit from his experience with biggest corporations all the way down to the brand-new startups.
JULY SPECIAL PRICE! Just $7, down from $13! Get yours now.
"Sean Buvala’s ‘About Me’ materials helped me get a job. Seriously. Thanks to the hands-on, user-friendly, and highly entertaining tone of the exercises and advice in this ebook, I crafted a cover letter that I could be proud of. Sean’s expertise helped me turn a project I initially loathed into something I genuinely ended up enjoying. I am confident the “About Me” pointers will continue to be useful in helping me fulfill the duties of my new job in corporate relations. Thank you, Sean, for taking the angst out of the process and replacing it with your one-of-a-kind sense of humor, wisdom, and confidence. From polishing your proverbial elevator speech to preparing for a presentation, “About Me” will provide clarity and insight on how to present your best self. This is what it did for me, and that’s why I highly recommend it."-Annie Gustafson
What you need:
No physical product is shipped to you. You can download your kit 24 hours a day…even at 2AM wherever you are! You need a computer to read the files. Files are in the formats of .pdf, .avi videos and .mp3 audio files. The download package you purchase comes to you bundled in a .zip file. You will need some free unzipping software (darn near standard on every computer now and you may not even know you have used it in the past.)
Look at this Amazing Price!
YOUR COST? Download your Ebook, four videos and four audios for just $̶1̶3̶ $7 USD. Professional training from Sean Buvala for the about the price of lunch with a friend.